Perhaps someone will end up doing a Natural Selection: Spark ? After all, modding is what Spark was made for.
The potential NS2 playerbase is small as it is, any mod for it is going to have even less players so it's pretty much impossible to turn it into a viable community.
I'm sad to see you go Bacillus, I usually enjoyed reading your posts an I think you were an important part of the iterative process for balance.
That would surprise me, as I've never seen them give a rats ass about anything anyone "from ENSL" has to say about the game, at least not to the point where it actually has any effect on their gameplay design decisions.
Anyway, there is lots of stuff in the pipe for performance, and the game is improving at an exponential rate. We've waited 6 years for this, another few months is not going to be material.
I doubt anybody really cares how long it takes (within reason at least), but there's no indication what so ever that this game will have anything close to acceptable client and/or server performance at release. When Flayra himself thinks that the current performance has a negligible impact on balance, that's pretty telling of what they consider to be acceptable performance. Even if they manage to kick servers up to 30ticks stable without massive overclocking, it's still unacceptable for a competitive game, not to mention the 100ms interp.
Hell, why should they even care about fixing performance, 95% of their playerbase, at least judging by their forum posts, thinks 30fps, 10tickrate and massive client/server delays = perfectly acceptable performance!
Ask Jiriki - it's basically already done from what I heard, the guy just needed a modeller. Can't remember who it was - some Canadian.
Asmodee, some American, actually did port some maps and basic movement mechanics into source, but it's never going to go beyond that. Even if he somehow managed to turn it into a actual playable game, who would play it?