Sorry I didn't explain my post well, it was not when we did sv_reset (though this didnt actually fix the problem either) Its when we reset the game by the countdown it didn't work
i published an update which should hopefully fix the issues with the tournament mode, and uses the builtin sv_tournament command to enable/disable the mod (also is saved between maps). I also fixed (i hope) some of the major issues with the pause plugin, and also implemented a method I believe which will allow me to pause the remaining things in the game, so everything should now pause (like grenades). I am going to start working on a system to allow mercs to be approved ingame.
Oh yea, all of the public oriented server features like afk kick, auto concede and whatnot should be disabled automatically.
Also, map spawns can be edited using the same format that mendasp once used, if a text file is present for that map it will override what is set in the map, even the NSL maps.
Thanks again Dragon! Is there a command for normal clients to get a dump of all the current settings on the server? I am just thinking it might be useful to check before a game begins to make sure no one has been messing around with friendly fire settings for example.
I added a /stuck command.
As for dumping the config, the configs will be hardcoded in the mod, there will only be an option to turn the mod on/off for server operators. If they edit the lua files in the mod it would end up kicking anyone joining for consistency errors, so that shouldnt be a concern.
i uploaded the mod to all official nsl servers. contact me if you have any problems :)
- the mod sometimes doesnt load when the server restarted itself. changing the map can fix this.
edit: mod works great :) some nice extra would be a clear indication of refs and admins when they talk from RR or spectator room. (like: "(All)(Admin)(gamerkatze):blabla" )
edit2: and included reserved slots for a referee or admin would be nice too (only 1 in spectator).
apparently there is a bug with this mod and ns2_nsl_tram
Mega:"apprently we had yesterday the exact same thingon veil (where playing on the server with nsl mode) on the spawn 4 aliens went out and all died on the engagment then they all crashed in the same moment GG :O
el'pheer saw it asswell killed the second round of training for us :("
Syknik:"Not sure if its been happening to anyone else, but for some of us, we tend to crash on the ns2_nsl_veil map. We aren't sure why, but t'is been happening. Or perhaps it has to do with NSL mod, but it just so happens that its always on nsl_veil :P"
Yea I have seen the issues with veil firsthand - did you happen to also be still running the spectator lights mod perhaps? The NSL mod includes that so it would be running twice, which could be contributing to the issues.
Once i get the mod updated later today with the refs I will post a list of the commands available.
Ok i updated the mod with a new version of the spectator lights portion, which I think was causing the crashes with the hooking changes i had made. I added the refs list and a basic chat command for admins that displays in yellow text right above normal chat. Below is the list of commands currently and some notes about officials/pcw mode:
sv_enslhelp will print out a list similar to this ingame.
sv_enslinfo: <team> - marines,aliens,specs,other,all - Will return the player details from the ENSL site.
sv_enslsay: <message> - Will send a message to all connected players that displays in yellow.
sv_enslcfg: <state> - pcw,official - Changes the configuration mode of the NSL plugin.
sv_enslapprovemercs: <team> - 1,2 - Forces approval of teams mercs, '1' approving for marines which allows alien mercs.
sv_enslclearmercs: <team> - 1,2 - Clears approval of teams mercs, '1' clearing any alien mercs.
sv_enslpause: Will pause/unpause game using standard delays. Does not consume teams allowed pauses.
sv_enslforcestart: Will force the countdown to start regardless of teams ready status, still requires commanders.
sv_enslcancelstart: Will cancel a game start countdown currently in progress.
sv_enslsetteamnames: <team1name, team2name> Will set the team names manually, will prevent automatic team name updates.
sv_enslswitchteams: Will switch team names (best used if setting team names manually).
sv_enslsetteamscores: <t1score, t2score> Will set the team scores manually, set team names first.
As for basics configs currently in officials mode there is a 10 minute forfeit clock that starts once a team readies, mercs require approval and teams can only have 6 players on them. PCW mode which is the default
does not have those restrictions.
Currently merc approvals only work for any pending team joins, I want to come up with a better system for that if it is something that people want to use.
Really nice Dragon! Can you change the forfeit clock to 20 minutes instead? 10 mins is too strict imo. Technical issues could easily take up that time.
And maybe make the commands like:
instead of:
That would make a little more sense and give one less character to type. The only reason we are still using the ensl site is because the new NSL site is not ready, we changed the name of the league to NSL a long time ago. Might as well try to decrease the confusion about that and ease the fingers of the console typers ;)
I really think a forfeit clock is probably a bit much and will only be an irritation when teams are waiting to resolve a technical issue. How many forfeits have their ever been that have actually made it to the stage where people are in game? I think this thing is only going to trigger because one of the casters is on fire or something and people will just be mildly irritated and remake. This is one situation that is uncommon and nuanced enough to really benefit from human management in my opinion.
The teams can still choose to let their opponents run over the time, that's good sportsmanship. 20 minutes should be enough to resolve most technical issues. The forfeit clock has been added to reduce frustration when waiting for another team.
those changes have been published - as a note currently the forfeit clock doesnt do anything once it completes - its up to the refs/teams at that point. It just adds atleast a sense of urgency to getting your team ready ontime.
Also, since biodome doesnt currently have a nsl version, I added the ability for the sv_nsllights command to generate an automatic 'nsl' lights set for the map to try to help fps. It strips out about a 3rd of the lights on the map and tweaks the brightness of the remaining lights a little, and also removes a bunch of props. Since its automated I cannot really tweak the lighting much beyond adjusting the values it uses to generate the lighting, but it does seem to work ok and gives 30 -40 fps in some spots (main hall/gallery).
is it possible to restrict server access to ensl users only when the server is in tournament mode ?
so only people who are signed up on can join the server.
We found another bug with the pause feature tonight.
Apparently when you unpause any newly evolved aliens get unlimited energy. Had to restart the server to fix the issue.
Shoutout to the HBZ and TAW guys who helped me test it during their matchtime.
Though overall I must say its looking very promising and and has neat features. Looking forwared to it when things are more fleshed out.
minor thing, but can you add an automatic map change if idle? sorta like stats had. would help with keeping servers updated and reducing the need for someone with webadmin to change maps so you don't get the mod out of date error.
We tried using the pause plugin today on our Marine round on Jambi. Mostly successful, it allowed myself who got disconnected to reconnect and return to the game with my full pres, no score though, but that aint important. We noticed a couple of bugs, one which was reported above about Alien energy, someone on Wonga mentioned (do not know the specifics). On the Marines some of the players had problems using jet packs. I personally had a bug where the fuel was cycling between empty and full when I used it. This also caused pretty severe view stuttering.
I also experienced a problem with the unstuck command on Jambi. There is a stuck point on the east side of the little inset for the powernode in Skylights. In this case the unstuck command appeared to do nothing when I ran it. I was careful not to press any buttons whilst this was going on, it just did not seem to move me at all. This was something that occurred before we used pause.
Yes when teams f4 the score might go 0, but it should update when the round ends and the teams rejoin. Ill have to come up with a solution for that.
You should be able to turn the mod off completely by changing the tournament mode setting in the NSLConfig.json file, but I need to setup a console command for that
And yea pause is still a bit buggy, I will probably disable it soon if I cannot work out some of the buggier parts of it. Unstuck will not get you out of all stuck spots, as some you are not technically stuck in which is what causing the confusion - its sort of a requirement to keep it from being abuse able. I can have it alter the map change time instead of preventing, but I do intended to not update the mod frequently if possible to prevent issues like that.
As an update, team names will only update when people join a team, so if the entire team leaves it should still tag them under their teamname, and as such keep the score correct. I changed the config file to store the mode, and added a disabled mode. Now there are 3 modes for sv_nslcfg (disabled/pcw/official). I found the bug with pause causing infinite energy and jp fuel, and also what would lead to buggy movement for any player after a respawn/evolve. I added support for nsl_biodome, and added a sv_nslpsay and sv_nsltsay. Also, you can now approve individual mercs by name or id - approvemerc NotDragon.
Made another update which should fix the extra props not being removed on nsl biodome, and added a single reserve slot for refs. I also added server admin commands to toggle friendly fire and to enable the pause portion. The pause defaults to off, FF defaults to on. If anyone is feeling adventurous i think the pause may be reasonably stable now, sv_nslenablepause can be used to toggle pause but requires admin on the server.
I think there's no need for the reserved slot for referees, only thing you get with this is one less spot in case you want to spec a pcw (non official).
I guess people is smart enough to leave a slot for a referee on an oficial match :D