I am writing in response to my inappropriate ban in the gathers. I have been banned for six months.
Let me remind you that my first ban in gather was when i was a commander. A player Tweadle banned me for few days for reason "scanning excessive". I can not be sure about words in this quote but it was something like that. I do not need to say how yeasty or just completely ridiculous was that first ban. It was as much inconceivable as I could imagine. I thought that ban was for fun or something like that so I did few new accounts. After first ridiculous ban I got banned for multiaccounts. That was serious ban but it should not be happened cause my account should be clear. Anyway I got banned for that reason for week or something like that. So you can not ban me again for same reason and 24 times longer. Then a player Beefecake did topic in forum about my perm ban because people want to. I read that topic and I did not found a serious reason instead of their feeling. I did not breach rules. I said my side there so you can read it. I am not asking to put out of my ban. I am asking to unban me.
It would be great if you could get a opinion.
I look forward to your answer.
Your first ban was for ignoring your team, it was by me.
I gave you multiple warnings during the said round, which you ignored and so I banned you from gathers for 4 days. This is when you made multiple accounts and I had to re-ban them, extending the ban each time.
After that, your behaviour stayed the same. You even started to make attacks at me, for banning your new accounts... Believe me, I was very busy at the time and having to put time aside just to check out these new accounts and ban them is really annoying and a massive waste of my time.
I personally, have no problems when someone gets the tactic slightly wrong or makes a small mistake, but when people are purposefully ignoring their whole team and disputing their roles and completely breaking tactics. It goes too far.
I don't know about Tweadle's 'excessive scanning' ban, I agree, that sounds ridiculous.
Your current ban is simply down to a number of people making requests for you to be banned!
If you can show at least a little bit of respect to other people in gathers and admin decisions, I'm sure the ban can be removed completely. But your posts really don't help your case.
Tbh, I picked him a lot in gathers, and he always did what I asked him to do, even if that was something he didn't want to do. I haven't seen him ruin gathers either.
For the spamming ts3 part, I can understand it annoys some people, but it's clearly supportable, and it's far from people like dugi for example.
And woooh SIX MONTHS, WTF??? 1 month seems already long to me for what he is accused of.
My first ban was for 'scanning excessive'. Then i played on nsk nick (it was when i got banned for scanning, its means that my account is clear). So when I was in nsk you banned me for 'ignoring team' which is of course not true. I am disagree with that opinion but ok. So you extended my ban for JarO nickname to 14.01.11. Next day I did more accounts and you banned me to 17.01.11. After few days I have been banned for 6 months!
What if you will ban again aA, dugi, frg, sublime when They changed their namenick for "lump is a cocksucker". You can not do it again because They were banned.
If thief steals some jewellery and policeman got him. He will go to orchard, he will go to prison. When he will left from prison he is free man. He will not go to prison again. it's simple.
So it is not my problem that you banned me that short. I had my pain!
i think lump has problems with ppl in general but he doesnt realize that he's the one with problems. also i dont understand this recent fashion of "i'm admin/refree and i can do w/e i want". tweadle is a forum admin to begin with, so why the fuck he has any influence on gathers/league matter when it's not related to forums?
are in some self value boost club eistee? if it was clanbase/esl you'd be removed from your position long time ago.
The unrestrained power from the admins really suggest something disturbing. I mean, to ban someone on such a personal note really gives a message that Jaro should never come back to ENSL --six bloody months... come on you guys want to destroy whats so little left of community? I have never seen admins so strict until now especially with Jaro, and i think this marks a turning point of NS, which majority people's attitude conforms to: Natural Selection is Dead. I think people are getting used to the fact that "this game is dead" but that does not mean that some who care about this game should give up on such a minor issues like with Jaro's case. Even more, the American server, in evolve, were similar to this event because people has been relentlessly been kicked off based on many personal reasons. I believe the admins should re-consider the banning or at least reduce the punishment to a reasonable level. I refuse to believe that NS has truly died in spirit and passion!
Like I said, when lots of people were whining about Jaro at first, I was backing him up! I actually thought his commanding was decent and I enjoyed lalalalaa laa laaing with him in ts3.
The events that me and beefi posted were both true, which is what my opinions are based on.
PS. Does a ban count if it was removed immediately?!