i dunno why but for some reason my windows xp detectes default cpu clock which is 2.4 instead 3.1(bios), do you guys have any ideas how to fix it? and does it actually effect anything?
some halp needed over here ; >
oced it in bios quite some time ago, everything used to be fine with windows detection till all of the sudden i've noticed some perfomarnce drop in ns which shouldnt be happening and then i've got this problem.
intel cpu + gigabyte mb
It's Intel energy saving. Look at the multiplier at x6.0. When you're doing "nothing" or idling, it lowers itself down.
Disable it and it should be 2.4Ghz all the time. I had problems with AMD power savings too. I couldn't unzip a .rar completely because it would cause some error in the middle, because everytime it went from .034 to 0.35 for example, it would crash.
i know that dugi but that's not the problem, it should be 2.4 in idle state and 3.1 when needed higher performance, also it shows bus speed at 266 when it should 337.
Now that I think about it, my other computer had some quite similar problem. HTT default was 200 and I set it 250 at bios. Then in winxp it was 220. Clock ratio didn't change though. Wonder if that new xp update had something to do with it. I thought it was just nforce4 doing what it does best again.
I used software octool to rise HTT and memory frequency in windows, which worked.
even if its "only" at 2,4 ghz u shouldn't have performance issues, tried to reinstall windows maybe?
either way, get win7, i never had any problems like jiriki and tom (how can your connection affect your fps ? wtf? )
u also can try to reset your bios by taking out the battery, but this can also cause bigger problems than u have right now. try to update your bios maybe
did you change ram? i've read somewhere that your cpu fbs is related to your ram clock.
Its a coincidence tom. Network lag per se will not affect your fps. You do not download the frames, they are calculated by the CPU and sent to your GPU, not going through the internet.
Where do you think the calculations are from? It's from the packets you receive via internets. Like vartija said, my netgraph spikes when this happens, the two phenomena are related. If my client is getting delay and the round trip time suddenly doubles, it effects how things are rendered.
- lump, Computing with Networks BSc (Hons)
Tom, i can download at max speeds on another PC, and have absolutly no fps drops on my PC. Why is this?
Some ethernet cards do take extra CPU power but in this day and age you really shouldn´t notice any big fps drops (perhaps i drop from ~500fps to ~490fps but i do not see this). There are "gamer" ethernet cards that are supposed to help against this though.
Vartija says that low fps can increase ping (ive seen this happen), you did not say this.
You think connections between different protocols and applications are consistent with their problems? I don't.
If you're agreeing with vartija that there's a connection between fps and latency, how can you say that a high latency wouldn't cause fps drops?..
Also, this only happens when i play from my laptop using wireless internet at my families house. I have no control over this stuff and I'm moving to oz next week anyway so i don't really care? When I was downloading from my laptop and using my main PC for gaming at my last house on my own connection, i had absolutely no problems at all.
Anyway, we're derailing the thread, this is about windows xp cpu problems.
wow u are all really smart .. easy explanation .. someone else starts a download fucking crappy wireless shit internet is busy so his shitty crappy bullshit computer has to start searching for new network >> cpu is busy << FPS DROPS(did u not know NS is mostly going to ur cpu not ur GPU) ! .. MY GOODNESS !
and aA New Bios and check jumperconfig (changed motherboard?)
as for reinstaling windows that's something i'd like to avoid cause i simply have no time to do so, i was also thinking about taking battery out but i doubt it's this related as i'm quite sure it's only windows based problem i might actually reinstal it since i dont see any other option to fix it.