king_yo, herakles, rios, ray, wlf, eagleeye all confirmed playing recently, or at least mostly and thus the potential remains.
golden, joshhhy, rantology, gorgeous, locklear, zefram, syknik all confirmed playing recently.
Why y'all gotta be bitches and just bring back these great teams to go against chams and others.
Hell, while we're at it, bring back Godar with a commander.
Why even bother with this shit if the comp scene can't return to its former glory?
Is the game perfect? No.
Is it better than when the best in the world originally played it and rage quit? 1000%.
Maybe we make a to get fana and archea and other such people back and making for a dynamic comp scene.
No trolling allowed in this thread. Provide a solid defense if objecting, otherwise show your support so these people can understand that they are missing out.
tokyo drifters
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godar is playing overwatch
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Nope, just uninstalled the game. Hopefully for the last time.
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I was on a team with Mendasp, Golden, Zefram, & Dragon for 9 whole days. It was glorious. Like a shooting star, it reached atmosphere and burst into flames. RIP 'Dragon & A Mexicunt' Feb 12 2016 - Feb 21 2016.
I can't tell if you're serious, but a petition won't make anyone come back. If they've been playing casually they can decide for themselves. People burn themselves out of games and move on to something new. It's the ciiiircle of liiiiife. If they get pressured into coming back and playing, they're way less likely to be motivated / dedicated.
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Ryssk, I apologize.
I'm moving on to my next game.
I have to stress I am not trolling with this, even if it may come off a bit non-serious or tongue-in-cheek.
I say this as a long time fan (3+ years) watching premier/div1 play. I watched Gnarc grow into a premier team and change-up and become Chams, easily the #1 NA team. I merely wish for MORE of the higher level play which all members of this community find most enjoyable. Not to shit on the lower divs, but the fact is the most entertaining parts of their play are their mistakes, which we all hope they do actually, and in fact, learn from.
The fact is that for a few seasons now matches tend to fall into Sunday games only, and I think why not have the higher level play simply on those days. Obviously without scrimming on weekdays the teams won't be up to 100% level but let's be frank, most of the higher level players can shoot 30-40% while drunk or having not even played the game for months.
We all know this isn't going to become an e-sport, largely due to UWE's fuckery, but it SHOULD in fact remain a fun hobby among those who helped build the NS2 competitive community and not simply be allowed to die due to frustrations with the company who owns the IP. There is a lot that has been done with comp mod and NS2+ and other efforts beyond UWE control and it has shown to be very fruitful.
I made this post as a genuine fan of the game and the high level players, and I yield back the balance of my time.
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Titus will just forfeit *shrug*
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breakfast klub and damage networks pls
nazi hunter izO
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bring in big prize money and people will start trying again
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Would love for the old comp scene to come back but there hasn't been any reason for teams to really tryhard/practice since S3/4. Since then every tourney has been for simple bragging rights so teams lost interest... which is what happened to Titus around S5.
Season 4 was the best Season. Hands down.
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The eurocup qualifiers for the lan in Telford was when i played the hardest hitting rine team (Sauna when they still played a bit).
The months leading to the NS2WC was probably the funniest in term of good games/pcws, us scrimming Titus 2 to 3 times a week for 2 or 3 months straight with Zefram recording the games was probably one of the big reasson they improved that fast.
After Cologne i think we scrimmed once, maybe twice and the following seasons you have maybe 2 to 3 div1 EU players remaining.
Last 5 finals are mostly 1 year's ago div2 players keeping the game alive with some remnant of div1.
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Sure. Let's scrim in overwatch!
Locklear I said no trolling.
I will advise the distinguished member to retract his remark.
I'm sure NS3 will have 4 commanders and the dynamic lighting will be so strong that you will need to upgrade sunglasses to see anything.
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Maybe I will make something happen
who knows!
Would be fun to play premium level again.
The hype is real?
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In case you're not trolling I would point out that some of the mentioned players have found themselves a life or moved to the mountains. I have no perspective on why people lose intrest since I have never been at the top in any game but there isn't really any reason to stick around unless you really love the game. There are no prizes, no money, not even a couple headsets.
Edit: Kappakrew VS coc gems
#proud nonrushed th9 #its not a scrub th